Two of my very favorite people, my kiddos. I am extraordinarily pleased with how they are turning out. I like to think I have something to do with it and probably I do, but I am so amazed by these two.
Teens get a bad rap too much of the time. They are not little adults, just as toddlers are not little adults. They are growing into their abstract thinking and if you listen you hear the most amazing things. Yes there are very difficult days around here and no my two are not perfect, I would be lying if I claimed otherwise.
I know I was not as in tune with the world as my two are. The political discussions in my house are so much more than I remember growing up. The breadth and depth of their interest in the country and the world, the concern for our country and the future. Wow. Do we have 'selfish' days? Of course. But on the whole my two seem far more aware of the international scene than I ever was.
I know I am gushing. I just can't help it. These two represent what is hopeful to me today, inaguration day.
Mavis, You do have two wonderful kids. I am sometimes surprised by where their minds head when my guys never even want to reach the realms yours do, especially when talking politics. - Myrtle