Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wow, It's November!

Not to make anyone nervous, but do you have any idea how close we are to Christmas? Way too close. My mental year is still waiting for summer and the downtime it used to be.

I hope you all enjoyed the extra hour of time as we shifted to Standard Time. Hopefully you used it to sleep. I didn't, but what else is new? I did take the opportunity to not set the alarm. A very rare occurrence in my life.

Enough rambling. Still working on Christmas presents so no photos. My mental queue - as opposed to my Ravelry queue- gets longer and longer. I often listen to knitting podcasts while knitting so hear about many new projects.

Speaking of Ravelry do you know you can add tags to your favorites? This allows for easier searching. Hopefully in the next year they will finally have a tag option for patterns in your library. Right now this is still in the 'coming soon' phase.

Done with my ramble for today. Happy November everyone.
