Saturday, August 15, 2009

I've Been Accepted

I have been officially accepted in the the Parish Ministry Associate (PMA) Program through the Central States Synod of the ELCA church. I received my letter today. Yippee!!!!!!! After years of sew sawing back and forth on whether I would continue my theological education and deciding that yes, the time is right. I then spent months researching options which would work for my family and myself at this time. And for me, that means the PMA program where I can serve in many ways with in the church without having to go to seminary. That is still an option that I'm considering, but this is a good first step in that direction, plus in a smaller congregation I could serve as a pastor with a pastoral mentor if I ever decided to go in that direction.

Now I wait to see when my first class begins. The classes happen in various parts of the synod depending on the location of the instructor and the majority of the students. So now the waiting begins on when the first class will be, where it will be, and what the topic is. There are a total of 9 classes (27 credits) that I have to take in the next 3 years to complete the program. There are also required PMA convocations I must attend as well. But I'm so excited. I feel like I'm finally going the way I've been called for years. (The thought of seminary has been on my brain for almost 20 years now.)


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