Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lots of Babies

Well, I'm feeling better today. Yesterday we had a few babies which had hatched after the unfortunate black snake incident. Today we have LOTS of new babies. I have absolutely no idea how many because mama guineas don't let you near and it's been a challenge just to make sure the little ones have constant access to food and water, much less trying to count. I do know they don't like me picking the little ones that get too far astray up to put back with them. And the mamas have VERY sharp beaks.

So today I'm feeling less stressed by the black snake, although I don't want him to return. And excited about so much new life in the coop.


1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your loss of babies. I hope you get the joy of seeing these new ones grow up.

    Jen in Oz
