Friday, August 14, 2009


My first official try at spinning on my new drop spindle went fairly well. I learned several things as I was going along but the biggest was don't try to spin until you complete all your prepared. It just doesn't spin well when the spindle is full. That is when I started having a lot of fiber that wasn't spinning completely. I'll probably try spinning that portion again.

However, after taking it off the spindle I could tell that my first spinning on it was quit good and consistent, even if it might really be tighter than it's suppose to be. Next time, I plan to only spin about half the amount on the spindle that I did this time, so my spinning will remain more even and not have fewer unspun areas.

Now to just figure out what I'm to do next with what I spun. I know that people set the twist, but I'm not sure what they do to do that. Off to the Internet for research. (Note: after searching the Internet I found this site which explained the steps well for me to understand how to set the twist. Setting the twist.) Now I just need to decide if I really need to learn how to ply or just enjoy my singles for now, most likely what I'll do, and learn to ply some other time.)

Oh, and for those interested the drop spindle is a Schacht Hi-Lo Spindle from the Loopy Ewe. I actually spin in the high whorl position, but want to learn the other way as well to decide which works best for me.

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