Monday, February 2, 2009

Feeling Overwhelmed and other musings

I'm feeling extremely overwhelmed today. I went to help Timothy with his school work and was going to work on my socks while helping him. Instead I started cleaning the corner of our living room where people thought that cleaning meant throwing everything behind the couch. Argh!

I had thought I'd make it through the growing pile of mail on the floor by my computer today and now I'm wondering if that will even happen. I haven't finished the living room and I've been at it for over 2 hours. However, the shelves and cupboard that hold homeschooling books and materials is now cleaned and organized again and the corner looks neat. I just have a pile of stuff on the couch that needs to be dealt with.

The snow is mostly gone now. It was beautiful for the 5 days it lasted even through it was a royal pain to drive in. 12 inches of snow and no 4 wheel drive on a mile long, gravel, road is absolutely no fun. :( The boys did enjoy building 2 snowmen and a snow fort along with sledding for several days.

I know my feeling overwhelmed deals with trying to do too much with too little time. I know it's necessary and that it's only going to keep up for another few weeks, but... I'm just tried of not getting everything that needs to be accomplished each day done.

I want to see Mavis' new projects. She definitely sounds like she has startitis. I on the other hand just want to be able to knit and that isn't happening. The socks are basically in the same place as they were on the trip home and the shawl hasn't progressed. But the shawl has potential to be finished because I have a few more trips to southern CA scheduled over the next three months.


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