Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Slowest Sister

Maude - It is probably about time that I add something to this blog. I have been hesitant to post because I have honestly never read a blog before I read Mavis and Myrtle's postings on this blog. Today I have been given the opportunity to change that and update you on my what is going on in my world. I will however also admit that the opportunitiy has occurred only because the server is down at my office. That makes it impossible to log in and work at the moment. Thank goodness for server maintenance!!!!! :)

My current work days are 10-12 hours long as a general rule. (As one of my co-workers pointed out 12 hours is really only 1/2 a day.) I do not expect this situation to last forever, but it is my current reality due to an overwhealming schedule on an overwhelming project. I have finally reached the point where I need to keep a real schedule that tracks every meeting that I, or one of the people who works for me needs to attend. I also need to track every appointment for a member of my family. By the time that is all filled in my hours from 8:00 to 10:00 are "free". But as every working mother knows, that probably means cleaning the kitchen or doing laundry. I am also trying to knit my first pair of socks (thanks to the encouragement of Mavis and Myrtle). Progress has been slow since as every knitter knows, its not a great idea to fall asleep as you knit. That leads to alot of frogging.

At the same time as I am experiencing this burst of work, the other members of my family are all busy in their own ways.

My husband, J, has just received a recognition from his company for his excellent work that will give he and I the opportunity to spend 4 days at a spa in Scottsdale, Arizona in late March. We are really looking forward to this trip. J is also the backbone of the family at the moment, picking up more than half of the family obligations.

My son, C, is a senior in high school and is really staying serious about keeping up his grades so that he can go to the college of his choice. The unfortunate problem is that he has been accepted by 3 schools and all look equally good for him. Parental pressure would be for the one closest to home (still 4 hours away), but we are trying to let him decide. C also just had surgery on his jaw and is on a pure liquid diet. Imagine trying to keep an 18 year old filled up when he can only eat liquids. The surgery was 1 1/2 weeks ago. Now that he is up and about, we are working on teaching C how to prepare food that he can eat.

My daughter, K, is taking her own path in life. In December we transferred her from a public school to a small progressive school (2000+ students to 44 students). So far the fit seems good and we are crossing our fingers. The school program includes one field day each week where all students go somewhere on a field trip (last week it was the American History Museum) and one day of internship per week. K has been struggling to figure out where she wanted to intern, but last Friday she asked me to see if she could work in my office, so I arranged with one of my co-workers to set up an internship with her in the marketing department (hands off for me since I only occasionally interact with marketing). Tomorrow is the first day and I think it will work well for her.

The dogs Mollie and Bailey say Hi to all! (and do you have any treats to give to us?) They are as cute as any two cockers can be. I was suprised to learn that Mavis did not know I was dog crazy. Cockers are great, but frankly all dogs are wonderful to me. There is nothing like being greeted by a dog at the front door. I guess this is why we need to blog!

Also I would like to note that while I like "Chef", my favorite british comedy is "As Time Goes By". If you haven't seen this series, I suggest you find it and give it a try (public television is a great resource). My favorite line of all time comes from the 2nd episode of the show where Jean says "Tanya wants to know what the green child has to look forward to" and Lionel says "Blending in nicely with the lawn".

Well thats me for a while since I was just notified that the server was back up and I need to transfer some information before midnight Dallas time.


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